Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Why Being Vulnerable at Work Is a Good Thing

Why Being Vulnerable at Work Is a Good ThingWhy Being Vulnerable at Work Is a Good Thing Lets be honest No matter how successful or advanced, every pro welches once an amateur . At some point, they needed the one thing very few people like to admit they need Help.Asking for help means allowing yourself to be vulnerable, but being vulnerable goes against just about every business or professional training Ive ever received. I was taught to show everyone I was strong - that I could handle it all on my own. Yet, when I decided to move from Florida to New York, I was drowning in my own pride.Asking for help can be uncomfortable. But its important to remember that others have gone before you and have achieved the level of success you desire (or at least somewhere close to it). Theyre part of your success GPS. After all, getting from point A to B is easiest with a guide. You can activate your GPS by asking for help, whether its about business development, networking, sala ry negotiations or professional snafus.During my move to New York, I had to ask for help. It was the best decision Ive made to date. I had saved what I thought was a considerable amount of money to become a full-time entrepreneur, but after 90 days of living in NYC, I didnt have enough clients to maintain my living expenses. I was out of cash. I reached out to a sponsor and friend and, through strained tears, I explained what happened and that I needed help finding a job. She connected me to one of her contacts who was managing Disney star Zendaya Colemans new fashion line. I interviewed on a Tuesday and began as the strategic marketing director for Daya by Zendaya that following Thursday. Ive worked with the brand for mora than a year, simply because I asked for help .Asking for help requires the one thing business school doesnt teach you how to be vulnerable enough to admit you need support. These five tips will show you how to use your vulnerability to progress in your career, no matter which stage or phase of life youre in.There are three key relationships every professional should cultivate. Its difficult to ask for help if youve isolated yourself. Your success in life is directly connected to the relationships youve developed. Understand that building connections take time, so youll need to invest in these relationships before you ask for a favor. Think of these relationships as a garden. Before you can enjoy the fruit from it, youll first have to plant the seeds. These three types of relationships are game-changers for your careerIn buchen to truly ask for help and clearly articulate your needs, you have to be honest with yourself first. During my move, I had to get real I didnt have enough clients to cover my business expenses. Honestly articulating your needs allows your mentor , sponsor or fairy godparent to provide the right type of help at the right time.No one can read your mind. You will have to ask for what you need. And you will need to do it as clearly and directly as possible. First, pick up the phone, or ask to meet in person. This isnt a text conversation . Then, when you get ready to make your ask, condense it to no more than two 140-character tweets. Your mentor, sponsor and/or fairy godparent are busy people. Deciphering what you truly need takes time away from them actually helping you. Do the pre-work to ensure youre able to clearly articulate your needs.Yes, you need help, but in the spirit of being an asset to whoever you meet, always bring something of value to the relationship. In the development of each of the relationships identified above, do your homework on each person, so when you connect you can bring something of value to help them too.After your initial ask, schedule a reminder in your calendar to follow up on your request two weeks later if no progress has been made. If things have mucksmuschenstill not progressed by then, allow an additional two weeks. Be sure to include a reminder of what wa s discussed, what you need and how grateful you are for his or her time assisting you. If you still see no progression, connect with the person once a week sending helpful articles relevant to his or her industry or desires. This will keep you top of mind while serving as a reminder of what you need. If you do get the help you need, dont forget to follow up with a thank-you note that updates them on your progress.If you remember nothing else, remember this People can do a lot of things, but they cant read minds. Asking for help can be uncomfortable, yes, but your greatest growth is usually found outside of your comfort zone. When you need help, you have to say so.This article originally appeared on The Well , Jopwells digital magazine. The Well is the digital magazine of Jopwell, the career advancement platform for Black, Latino/Hispanic and Native American professionals and students. Subscribe to receive weekly stories and advice in your inbox.

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